Carrying out our academic and social project, we seek to generate a positive and significant impact on the education of children and young people according to their needs by age group and moment of life through the following programs:
Carrying out our academic and social project, we seek to generate a positive and significant impact on the education of children and young people according to their needs by age group and moment of life through the following programs:
Programs with an ecological sense, application of the 3 Rs (Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse) in the articulation of activities.
Support for youngsters and adults to continue with their life projects, intervening to achieve their access to higher education
Extracurricular classes to strengthen, develop and potentiate skills for children from third to fifth grade.
Montessorian pedagogy and academic strengthening for children from early childhood to second grade.
Corporación María Perlaza
(+57) (2) 3868071 - (+57) 317 574 1085
Calle 5 Oeste # 18-02 Barrio Nacional
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.