In response to the call of a team of official teachers from the city of Buenaventura who are very committed to their students and the community, the possibilities of supporting a school in a city heavily affected by violence and state neglect were analyzed. Trying to establish public-private alliances that generate transformation in vulnerable communities.

They intervened:

1. Infrastructure:

The school, due to its great abandonment and deterioration, did not allow a quality education to be imparted in dignified conditions.

All areas were intervened by changing roofs, walls, and floors. The bathrooms were remodeled and adapted. A bathroom was built with the necessary characteristics to care for early childhood. Windows and doors were replaced. The classrooms from kindergarten to fifth grade were equipped with furniture, boards, billboards, and fans. The library was built, which was equipped with furniture, books, fans, and a video beam.

2. Transfer of the pedagogical model:

It begins with the training of the teaching team in the Montessori discipline.

In March 2023, the diagnostic tests that mark the start of the transfer are carried out.


Corporación María Perlaza

(+57) (2) 3868071 - (+57) 317 574 1085

Calle 5 Oeste # 18-02 Barrio Nacional

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.