At the María Perlaza Corporation, a non-profit entity created more than 60 years ago, we generate a significant impact on the quality of education for boys, girls, young people, and their families in vulnerable situations, but with high expectations, at levels of preschool, basic primary, basic secondary, technical and professional. We understand education in an integral way, which is articulated with the home, school, and society; because we firmly believe that offering high-quality education within everyone's reach is a fundamental step to improve social mobility and human development in Colombia.

We count on the participation of the educational community, with which a more equitable, effective space with greater social cohesion is built day by day, from a communicative conception of teaching and learning. The work carried out by the Corporation as a strategic ally in public-private alliances constitutes a support platform and complement to the official education programs, in such a way that the training that the students receive reaches, not only the highest levels of educational quality but comprehensive training with the development of civic, social, artistic and human skills, expanding the horizon of opportunities for students.

The model of the María Perlaza Corporation is a FLEXIBLE socio-educational model BASED ON COMPETENCIES, WITH AN INCLUSIVE, HUMAN, AND SUSTAINABLE MEANING. The corporation works under a strategic plan, in which the programs implemented for the benefit of students, their families, and the community, in general, are incorporated; Through its Academic Improvement and Values ​​Strengthening program, which covers the socio-academic axes, whose main axes are solidarity, intervention in infrastructure, pedagogical accompaniment and advice on resource management.

Junta Directiva 2023

Esperanza Izquierdo 

Adela Baiz

Diana Salamanca

Esteban Ortiz

Amparo Toro

Patricia Osorno

Tulia Molina 

Maria Mercedes Escudero

Ximena Zúñiga

Ana Lucia Paz Rueda


Corporación María Perlaza

(+57) (2) 3868071 - (+57) 317 574 1085

Calle 5 Oeste # 18-02 Barrio Nacional

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.