Now recycling your plastic waste will be much easier! In addition to helping the planet, you contribute to taking care of Colombian children.

The María Perlaza Corporation is collecting 40 tons of plastic waste that will be delivered to the Botellas de Amor Foundation, who with their circular economy strategy transform flexible plastic waste into homes, playgrounds and recycled plastic furniture. In exchange, they will give a playground to the kindergarten of the Normal Juan de Ladrilleros in Buenaventura.


Put your plastic waste, bags and wrappers in plastic bottles of any type and compact them very well. Important: All waste must be clean and dry.
Once filled, bring or send your bottles to our headquarters located at Calle 5 Oeste #18 - 02, Cali. (Or send them along with your donations in our Recogetón).

Download this printable poster, hang it on your refrigerator or in a visible place, and show everyone in your house how to recycle properly!

Acompáñanos en la transformación de cientos de vidas, y construye con nosotros un mejor futuro para Colombia

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Corporación María Perlaza

(+57) (2) 3868071 - (+57) 317 574 1085

Calle 5 Oeste # 18-02 Barrio Nacional

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.