We are pleased to inform you that last Friday, October 15, we were named as winners of the basic primary category of the Eduteka Event, organized by the ICESI university, which is the largest event in Colombia, specialized in the Educational use of Technologies of Information and the development of competences for the XXI century.

Our project "Rayotic transcendent and lived" was based on actively developing multiple types of thinking through the integration of technological resources and didactic tools, using as a reference the artist from Valle del Cauca Omar Rayo; ICTs have allowed the integration of the areas involved in the general project, becoming the common thread of the work of the students of the complementary session of the María Perlaza Corporation and the CreeSer Foundation for the Future.

We highlight the importance that this award has for The Corporation, as it shows and bears fruits of our educational project, in favor of a comprehensive and quality education for all children, and we extend a warm thanks to all the people involved; Teachers, academic committee, students, families, team and donors, because it is thanks to the union of joint efforts that we see great results!

Acompáñanos en la transformación de cientos de vidas, y construye con nosotros un mejor futuro para Colombia

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Corporación María Perlaza

(+57) (2) 3868071 - (+57) 317 574 1085

Calle 5 Oeste # 18-02 Barrio Nacional

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.