According to many investigations, from the first day of life, the child learns to associate the physical experience with an emotional component through which it gives meaning to that experience. The child gradually establishes connections or links between his emotions, desires or intentions and his developmental skills, which he organizes around communicative behavior. Later, he associates a concept with it as parents and educators offer him opportunities to express his emotions, desires, or intentions.

When we, as adults, say a word to a child, an act of enormous significance takes place - and this is not an exaggeration. At this time we offer the child a tool to expand reality, and he incorporates it into the patterns that are being created in his brain for future use. Above all, we provide them with the tools to build and perceive emotions.

Promote active listening and an understanding attitude with children:

Children can respond to a difficult / destabilizing situation in different ways: clinging to caregivers, feeling anxious, backing off, feeling angry or upset, having nightmares, wetting the bed, having frequent mood swings.

Children are generally relieved if they can express and communicate their feelings and concerns in a safe and supportive environment.

Each child has his own way of expressing his emotions. Sometimes engaging in creative activities like playing and drawing can make this process easier. Children should be helped to find positive ways to express uneasy feelings such as anger, fear, and sadness.

Next topic: Beware of the misuse of television and social networks.

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